
Akrounta Churches

Church of Saint George the Megalomartyr

The main church of Akrounta, situated at the center of the village, is dedicated to Saint George. Erected in 1896, it is of Basilica structure with a gabled, sharp-pointed, and tiled roof. According to tradition it is believed that the Saint freed the island from the Plague that tormented it. Specifically, it is said that Saint George has marched through the village of Akrounta on horseback while pursuing the dragon of the Plague. The shape of a horse hoof imprinted upon a stone tablet is rumoured to have originated from the Saint’s horse.

Chapel of Saint Loucas

The sole ancient church of Akrounta that was salvaged is the chapel of Saint Loucas. According to the estimations of the Department of Antiquities, the church is dated in the 15th century A.C. In July of 1993, the monument suffered numerous damages as a result of illegal quarrying. In 2005, the association of expatriates, in collaboration with the department of antiquities, carried out works regarding the excavation, maintenance, and promotion of the ancient monument. It is stone made, in the shape of a Basilica covered by an arched roof. The ceiling, as well as the semicircle of the arch of the Sanctuary, are coated with plaster. It has two entrances; the one being oriented towards the south and the other towards the west. The bell tower stands erected east of the temple and is a wooden structure. A small rectangular window is situated at the center of the semicircular wall, which forms the Sanctuary.